Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 3 - and a Wild Ride

Today was really something, I experienced a lot of firsts! We'll get to that later....

The day began with breakfast at American Legion Post 10. It was delicious; sausage patty, scrambled eggs and biscuits and gravy, a good ol' southern breakfast. I snapped this picture of the two Legion Riders that were serving us. During the rider's briefing Stoney announced a Gold Star Mother was with us and it was Paula, the blonde pictured below. Oh my goodness, she was serving me eggs! I should have been serving her!!! After the meeting, I went up and hugged her and we cried a little together. I asked her about her son. She told me he was on patrol when an IED that was attached to a propane tank exploded. A piece of the tank hit him under the chin and up and out, killing him instantly. She was thankful his remains were intact and she was able to have him come home.

We had a little more of a cry together when she thanked me for asking her about him and giving her the opportunity to talk about him.  I guess it takes a mother that has lost a child to understand the joy in getting to talk a little bit about your child even if they're no longer with us. The pain is still there whether you talk about it or not. I attached a little bio I pulled from the internet about him Please remember his family in your prayers tonight.

Army Spc. Jose Zamora, 24, of Sunland Park, killed Aug. 6, 2006, when a roadside bomb exploded in Baghdad during combat operations. Zamora, a 2000 graduate of Santa Teresa High School, was assigned to the 2nd Brigade Troop Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) from Fort Campbell, Ky.
Gold Star Mother Serving the potatoes (the blonde woman)

Bikes as far as the eye can see. We are lined up visiting the Veteran's memorial Park. When we pulled out of here Platoon 4 was chosen to go for a test ride to try out a possible new route. I had the Second in Command riding behind me for 75 miles. Talk about intimidating!!! 

After lunch I was asked to go participate in a wreath laying. When they asked they didn't tell me I was going to have to ride 90 MPH to catch back up to the group. Yikes, that was a hair raising 55 minutes. I got up to 98 MPH trying to keep up with them. Made it safely back to the group 17 miles from the next gas stop. :)

And finally, because I am exhausted and have to get to bed, I share this picture of "Smoke" one of the Road Guards. The Road Guards work super hard, blocking traffic, keep the platoons nice and tight and moving us down the road. Smoke here has been especially kind to me, encouraging me and helping me out whenever I need anything. I am so grateful for the Road Guards!!! 

I am sure tomorrow will bring many more special moments and learning experiences. Once again, thank you Ron Stewart Photography for the great picture. 

Oh today's count, 340 riders, 398 Miles! No wonder I am so tired. 

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